Hello sweater weather! Standing in front of a camera is more enjoyable when you're not sweaty.
The leaves are so colorful!
The excitement of young children, a few photos of them throwing leaves can be extremely cute!
Family pictures of everyone playing in the leaves are just downright fun.
Eyes go where skin shows. So if you want the attention on your face and not on your arms, I always recommend
wearing long sleeves. You can draw all of the focus on your family's faces without everyone complaining about
how hot it is.
Fall is the perfect time for your favorite pair jeans! Dark jeans are the best for outdoor family portraits--they aren't distracting, they cover your legs so viewer's eyes aren't drawn down away from your face, and they go with just
about anything!
In the fall you can wear many layers! Jackets, sweaters, tall socks, boots... there's so many ways to mix and match!
And so many textures and colors you can use to add variety to your family's outfits!
COORDINATE YOUR OUTFIT COLORS! Basically, you want everyone in your family pictures to be wearing colors
that all go together so everyone looks unified and your clothes aren't a distraction. In the fall clothing tends to be
a bit darker and more neutral, making it easier to find pieces that go well in family portraits.
One of the most important things for a great family photo is the lighting. In the summer, the sun gets really high in
the sky and can be pretty harsh. During the fall, the sun starts getting lower in the sky, making for better lighting in
the afternoons. In the fall, it's easy to get that warm, glowy look. Plus, who doesn't love the look of the sun shining
through the autumn leaves?